The 4 Secret Ingredients to Success

Learn How One Family Pizza Restaurant Delivered Over $8,500 in Additional Online Sales in 2 Months, Hands-Free!

The Deliverit Automated Marketing Program, available exclusively to Deliverit customers, has helped businesses drive thousands of dollars in new revenue without them lifting a finger. Businesses have regularly made thousands of dollars in additional sales by re-engaging lost customers, driving increased transaction value, and recognizing and rewarding loyal customers.

“Our founders started Deliverit because they were Pizza Shop Owners and they knew exactly the technology that businesses needed to streamline their operations. With the introduction of online ordering, we have developed a completely new opportunity for our customers by using the data that these orders create to do hands-free marketing for them.

It has been a game-changer for businesses, driving additional online revenue effortlessly. Tailored to each customer's behavior, this hands-free communication system re-engages lost customers, acquires new ones, and boosts transaction values, leading to significant increases in sales. We know the passion takeaway businesses put into their food and now we help bring them closer to their customers and bring that relationship to life to allow them to concentrate on doing what they love.”

Penny Smith, Deliverit CEO.

How did we do it?

Just like making a great Margarita Pizza, there are 4 Secret Ingredients to successfully keeping customers ordering regularly and delivering hands-free sales:

The Perfect Base:

All pizza makers know that if your base isn’t right, your pizza isn’t right. So when it comes to building a relationship with new customers, the same rules apply. The aim here is to welcome and celebrate customers to build and maintain a connection to their new favourite local.

In the case of the Deliverit Automated Marketing Program, this means starting by welcoming new customers, regularly celebrating that relationship and acknowledging their birthday. A welcome message thanking customers for that first order is an important milestone in a customer relationship and acknowledging the anniversary of that first order is a great way to celebrate how much you value your customers.

The Signature Sauce:

By engaging all members of the database each month with a great offer linked to a key occasion such as Christmas, Father's Day or a key sporting event, Deliverit customers have been able to drive their average transaction value to new heights.

These Event Promotions are also key to keeping the value and integrity of the database. It also serves to keep your brand top of mind for customers in a crowded and competitive marketplace particularly if they flit between brands and aggregators.

Share the Love Campaign:

One of the most successful Event Promotions is the Share the Love Campaign. In May 2024 this campaign not only generated over 800 orders it delivered 87 new customers, over $5600 in sales with an average transaction value of $64.89.

The Right Amount of Cheese:

The right amount of cheese is all about targeting the right customer at the right time with the right offer to get them ordering again. Let’s face it sometimes customers forget how much they love your food and stop ordering for a time.

With the Deliverit Automated Marketing Program, our clever algorithm knows exactly when a customer is due to order and if they miss that order they receive an automated message encouraging them to re-order. New customers are targeted early in the relationship to ensure a follow-up order and existing customers are messaged when their behaviour changes with an appropriate offer.

While most businesses are only sending messages to a few customers each day, the highly targeted nature of these campaigns is successful at driving more orders, more often which leads to more revenue.

A Sprinkling of Herbs:

The fourth secret ingredient is that little bit extra, a sprinkling of herbs. In the Deliverit Automated Marketing Program that’s our series of Surprise and Delight communications. By rewarding customers for their loyalty with a series of milestone communications, customers feel valued for their continued custom. With a message prompting the customer that they are one order from a reward, they feel the value of the relationship to their favourite local takeaway.